Core Programs
The following are some of the core programs our therapists may partner with schools to initiate and/or incorporate within their school(s):
Gross Motor
Enhances a student's ability to control large muscles for walking, running, sitting, crawling, and overall coordination and movement. This program can be implemented in small group settings, through consultation with Physical Education teachers, or through development of daily activities to implement within the classroom.
Medically Fragile/Physically Disabled Children
Meets specific needs of children with medical or physical diagnoses in order to provide a quality education within the least restrictive environment. Therapists work with staff to increase student participation within the school setting using modification and adaptations as needed.
Essential Life Skills
Provides an intensive level of instruction in functional academics, communication, vocational training and living skills. The goal of the program is to develop skills necessary to maximize independence at home, on the job, and in the community.
Fine Motor
Enhances a student's ability to develop small muscles for functions such as writing, grasping small objects, and fastening clothing. Fine motor skills involve strength, hand-eye coordination, and dexterity.
Sensory Integration
This program is for students with sensory dysfunction who may not be able to regulate their nervous system which can have physical, behavioral, or emotional effects on their ability to learn and function within the school setting.
Intensive Therapy
This approach teaches social, motor, and verbal tactics as well as reasoning skills to children, typically with autism, that may otherwise not learn these skills on their own. Therapists would work with the school(s) to identify their role and specific techniques for providing therapy within this program.
Oral Motor/Feeding
Helps to overcome a variety of difficulties including swallowing disorders, tongue thrust, non-verbal communication, basic and complex feeding, limited food intake, and sensory defensiveness.
Handwriting (Visual Motor and Visual Perception)
Students with writing skills that are substantially below what is expected for their chronological age and/or measured intelligence may require additional services to address these needs.